The Finance Council is a consultative body which provides the Pastor with information and suggestions, which enable him to make proper decisions for the administration of parish property and finances.
- Tom Costello
- Jean Rouillard, Chair
- Greg St. Onge
- Rob St. Laurent
- John Wells
- Pastor: Father Dennis Skowera
- Bill Brawner, Parish Financial Administrator
“A representative group of parishioners who assist the Pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish.” (St. Anne Pastoral Council, By-Laws 2 A). There are seven commissions: Spiritual Life, Family Life, Faith Formation, Liturgical, Property and Maintenance, Parish Social Outreach, and Evangelization. These commissions depend on council members and parishioners to develop programs and ideas that are submitted to the Pastoral Council. Meetings are help monthly September through June.
- Ward Bowler
- Kathryn Buckley-Brawner
- William Cooper
- Anna Cruz
- Maredith Haesaert
- Darlene Lajeunnesse, Assistant Chair
- Josette Paul
- Alexandra Purcell
- Kathleen Riccillo, Recorder
- Jean Rouillard, Chair
- Greg St. Onge
- Deacon Ted Tudryn
- Pastor: Father Dennis Skowera
Open to all parishioners; meet monthly September and through June. Please contact the Parish office for information at 413-532-7503.
Religious Education
The Faith Formation Commission plans, organizes, and offers religious education and on-going formation for our children, youth and adults. Teachers (catechists) are needed for the Religious Education classes and group facilitators are needed for the adult formation programs. Training, materials, and support are provided.
Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults (RCIA)
The Right Of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which the Catholic Church brings people to full membership in the Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. The purpose of the RCIA is that of Religious Instruction. It is a wonderful and enriching program for adults 18 years and over who have not been baptized and for any person who has not received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation. It is also recommended for anyone who needs to be updated in our Catholic faith.
Commission Leader/Director of Religious Education: Maredith Haesaert
The Evangelization Commission creates opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to all people; to help bring about the conversion of those who have not heard the Gospel; the reconversion of those who, having heard it, have stopped practicing their faith; and to deepen the Gospel in the lives of believers. Facilitators and planners are needed. Training, materials and support are provided.
Commission Leader: Maredith Haesaert
ChristLife Ministry
ChristLife equips Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that all people might personally encounter Jesus Christ and be transformed into His missionary disciples. We developed the ChristLife Evangelization Process, which is a relational way to make missionary disciples by helping people discover, follow, and share Jesus Christ. Our ministry partners with parishes, priests, clergy, religious and lay leaders who are seeking to answer the Church’s call for the New Evangelization through a proven method of parish evangelization and outreach.
Commission Leader: Maredith Haesaert
The Family Life Commission meets once a month. It’s goals are: To create fun, friendly, family activities. Such as: Movie Nights, Trunk or Treat, Winter Wonderland and Thunderbirds Family Hockey Night. To create new ways to raise funds for the parish and for those in need. Such as: The Giving Tree, The “200” Club, Teacup Raffle, Parish Picnic and the May Flower Sale.
Commission Leader: Darlene Lajeunesse
The Liturgical Commission assists the pastor and pastoral staff in assessing the needs of the worshiping community of St. Anne, and in forming and maintaining a vision of liturgy, which is truly the center of the life of the parish. The Commission assists in the planning, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the parish’s liturgical celebrations, formation and activities.
Commission Leader: Kathryn Buckley-Brawner
Lay Liturgical Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
Serve as needed to help in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Extraordinary Ministers are trained and serve according to a published schedule at the Sunday Masses. Lay Minister Mass preferences and schedule limitations are respected.
Lay readers proclaim the first and second readings of the liturgy, read the announcements and occasionally the Prayer of the Faithful. Readers are trained and serve according to a published schedule at the Sunday Masses. Lay Minister Mass preferences and schedule limitations are respected.
Reader and E.M. Ministry Coordinator: Sue Poulin
Altar Servers
Open to adults and children who have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Servers assist the Priest at the altar at Mass. Servers are trained and serve according to a published schedule at the Sunday Masses. Lay Minister Mass preferences and schedule limitations are respected.
Altar Server Trainer: Josette Paul
The activity of the hospitality ministry is to provide a welcoming environment of love, acceptance, comfort, support, and care for visitors, members, guests and friends.
Open to adults and youth. Ushers greet and help seat parishioners, take up the collection at offertory, and assist in other church hospitality duties as needed. Ushers are trained and serve according to a published schedule at the Sunday Masses. Lay Minister Mass preferences and schedule limitations are respected.
Exercising the ministry of welcome, greeters meet people as they enter our Church and make them feel welcome, provide them a bulletin, and distribute other important materials as the occasion arises.
Event Arrangement
Donut Sunday
Church Decor and Environment
Hospitality Coordinators: Josette Paul and Jeanne Bennis
The Music Ministry leads the congregation in musical worship and provides an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts to be an integral part of the liturgy. The Choir currently rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 and sings at the Sunday, 9:00 AM Mass, and for Holy Days, Memorial Masses and other Special Services.
Music and Choir Director: Dan Mashia
Bringing the Eucharist to the parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. This ministry is the ultimate of all ministries bringing Jesus and offering His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity to our brothers and sisters in Christ either to their home, nursing home, or hospital. Personally, you will witness the deep and infinite faith of fellow parishioners, and, in turn, your faith will grow together with theirs. Training is provided.
Homebound Coordinator: Deacon Ted Tudryn
The focus of Pro-Life ministry is prayer. We are asking you to pray, pray, pray. Please contact us to learn more on how you are able to help save lives from womb to tomb.
Pro-Life Coordinators: Deacon Ted and Elizabeth Tudryn
Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen - St. Anne Night
St. Anne Parish helps to prepare and serve meals at the Chicopee Soup Kitchen on the second and third Wednesday of the month. Anyone interested in helping is asked to contact Maredith at 413-532-7503.
Coordinator: Maredith Haesaert
Renate’s Food Pantry
The second full weekend of the month, the parish family is invited to bring canned good and non perishable food items, or to make monetary donations to be distributed to needy families in our parish and community. On special occasions requests are made for clothing. Some exceptions depending on time of year.
Renate’s Coordinator: Maredith Haesaert
Take And Eat Ministry
Take and Eat was founded in 2003 by Rev. Mr. Francis Ryan, Ed.D and his wife Kathleen as a Non-Profit organization to recruit, train and empower volunteers in various faith based community organizations to prepare and deliver, free of charge, hot meals to the homebound elderly on weekends and three day holidays.
Take And Eat Coordinator: Maredith Haesaert
The Property and Maintenance Commission role is to provide St. Anne’s parishioners with a church building and grounds in good repair. The commission researches all projects that are presented to it, than forwards the findings to the Pastor for his review. This commission keeps the Bishop’s office of Property and Maintenance informed of major projects and their associated costs. The commission meets the third Friday of every month at 2:00 PM. We do not meet in the summer months.
Property And Maintenance Commission Leader: John Wells
The purpose of the Spiritual Life Commission is to provide opportunities and resources for spiritual growth through prayer and reflection, devotions, and events.
Living Rosary
Marie Rivier Associates (MRA)
Remembrance Mass
Commission Leader: Josette Paul
Adoration/Devotion Ministry
Currently St. Anne Parish has Benediction and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the 9:00 AM Mass on Fridays, followed by the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. In addition, we celebrate Holy Hour every other Sunday of the month, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, and Adoration from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Wednesdays. There is prayer and silent time for individual reflection.
Prayer Group Ministry
A group of St. Anne Parishioners who pray for the needs of the parish.
Adoration/Devotion and Prayer Group Coordinator: Margaret Cooper
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meet the second Saturday of the month from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.